. Finally, the animations (columns 3 and 7)
// are represented as transformations that take one property value to another when played.
// ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | +--- Closing an open pane | Opening a closed pane <--+ |
// AutoSize Mode | | 1. 2. 3. 4. | 5. 6. 7. 8. | |
// Element | +--> Opened -> Before Closing -> Closing -> After Closing --+-> Closed -> Before Opening -> Opening -> After Opening ---+ |
// Property | Pane Animation Animation Animation | Pane Animation Animation Animation |
// ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// None: | | |
// Accordion: | | |
// height: | 'auto' . . . | 'auto' . . . |
// overflow: | 'auto' . . 'auto' | 'auto' . . 'auto' |
// Wrapper: | | |
// height: | 'auto' . Current -> '0px' . | '0px' . '0px' -> Current 'auto' |
// opacity: | 1.0 . 1.0 -> 0.0 . | 0.0 . 0.0 -> 1.0 . |
// overflow: | 'auto' 'hidden' . . | 'hidden' . . 'auto' |
// display: | 'block' . . 'none' | 'none' 'block' . . |
// Original: | | |
// height: | 'auto' . . . | 'auto' . . . |
// maxHeight: | '' . . . | '' . . . |
// overflow: | 'auto' 'hidden' . . | 'hidden' . . 'auto' |
// ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Limit: | | |
// Accordion: | | |
// height: | Current . . . | Current . . . |
// overflow: | 'hidden' . . . | 'hidden' . . . |
// Wrapper: | | |
// height: | 'auto' Remaining Remaining -> '0px' . | '0px' . '0px' -> Remaining 'auto' |
// opacity: | 1.0 . 1.0 -> 0.0 . | 0.0 . 0.0 -> 1.0 . |
// overflow: | 'auto' 'hidden' . . | 'hidden' . . 'auto' |
// display: | 'block' . . 'none' | 'none' 'block' . . |
// Original: | | |
// height: | 'auto' . . . | 'auto' . . . |
// maxHeight: | Remaining 'auto' . . | 'auto' . . Remaining |
// overflow: | 'auto' 'hidden' . . | 'hidden' . . 'auto' |
// ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Fill: | | |
// Accordion: | | |
// height: | Current . . . | Current . . . |
// overflow: | 'hidden' . . . | 'hidden' . . . |
// Wrapper: | | |
// height: | 'auto' . . . | 'auto' . . . |
// opacity: | 1.0 . 1.0 -> 0.0 . | 0.0 . 0.0 -> 1.0 . |
// overflow: | 'auto' 'hidden' . . | 'hidden' . . 'auto' |
// display: | 'block' . . 'none' | 'none' 'block' . . |
// Original: | | |
// height: | Remaining . Remaining -> '0px' . | '0px' . '0px' -> Remaining . |
// maxHeight: | '' . . . | '' . . . |
// overflow: | 'auto' 'hidden' . . | 'hidden' . . 'auto' |
// ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Although this table is rather large, it's extremely useful because it allows
// us to present an informal argument for the correctness of our layout algorithm.
// It's easy to verify that if an accordion starts in state 1 and proceeds through
// steps 2, 3, and 4 when closing, it will arrive properly in state 5. Similarly
// an accordion starting in state 5 that is opened will progress through steps 6, 7,
// and 8 to arrive back at step 1. Clearly then any accordion starting in a valid
// state of 1 or 5 can be opened or closed repeatedly and return to a proper state.
// It's also worth pointing out that this layout algorithm can operate on one or two
// panes at a time (i.e. if all panes were closed and one were clicked, it would
// open a single pane... but if one pane were already open and another were clicked,
// it would have to close one while opening the other).
// States 1 and 5 from the above table are implemented in the _intiailizeLayout and
// _initializePane functions. States 2 and 6 are handled by the _startPaneChange
// function while states 4 and 8 are handled by the _endPaneChange function. Finally,
// states 3 and 7 are intialized and played in the _changePanes function.
AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior = function(element) {
/// The AccordionBehavior is used to turn properly structured XHTML into an
/// Accordion with panes that can expand one at a time.
/// The DOM element the behavior is associated with. It should contain an
/// even number of child divs (such that ith pane has a header at div 2i and
/// has content at div 2i+1).
AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]);
// The _selectedIndex variable is used to track the currently visible content
// pane. It is persisted via ClientState so that it can be restored on PostBack.
// If 0 <= _selectedIndex < _panes.Length is not true, then no pane is selected
// (and they all appear collapsed). While any index outside the bounds of the
// _panes array indicates that no pane is selected, we don't automatically set
// the value to a sentinel like -1 (especially on the server) because it's
// possible for additional panes to be added at any time. We abstract this
// problem using the get_Pane() function which returns the selected pane when
// it's called with no arguments (and returns null when the current selected
// index is invalid).
this._selectedIndex = 0;
// The _panes array represents the collection of Accordion panes. Each element of
// the array is an object of the form {header, content, animation} corresponding
// to that pane's header section, content section, and the animation used to open
// and close its content section. The content element is a new div that has been
// created to wrap the original div (so we can completely collapse it - even if it
// has padding, margins, etc.) which is pointed to by a dynamic _original property.
// The header element has a dynamic _index property indicating its position in the
// Accordion's pane collection (used primarily by the headers' shared click handler).
// Furthermore, the animation will either be an instance of LengthAnimation or
// ParallelAnimation (in the latter case, it will have two children which are a
// LengthAnimation and a FadeAnimation). There will be two dynamic properties
// _length and _fade pointing to each of these children (to easily set the length
// and fadeEffect properties). There is also a dynamic _ended property which is
// an event handler to be fired when the animation is complete, a dynamic _opening
// property to indicate whether the animation was opening or closing the pane, and
// a dynamic _pane property to provide a reference to the pane that was being
// animated.
this._panes = [];
// The this._fadeTransitions flag determines whether or not we enable a simple fade
// animation effect on top of the opening and closing effect
this._fadeTransitions = false;
// The this._duration represents the transition duration of the animations in seconds
this._duration = 0.25;
// framesPerSecond is used to tune the animation to perform well depending on
// the the type of effect being used an the number of accordion panes, etc.
this._framesPerSecond = 30;
// Determine how growth of the Accordion will be controlled. If it is set to
// None, then the Accordion can grow as large or as small as necessary. If it is
// set to Limit, then the Accordion will always be less than or equal to its
// available space. If it is set to Fill, then it will always be equal to its
// available space.
this._autoSize = AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.None;
// Whether or not clicking the header will close the currently opened pane (which
// leaves all the Accordion's panes closed)
this._requireOpenedPane = true;
// Whether or not we suppress the client-side click handlers of any elements
// (including server controls like Button or HTML elements like anchor) in the header
// sections of the Accordion
this._suppressHeaderPostbacks = false;
// Size of all the headers
this._headersSize = 0;
// The _headerClickHandler is a reference to the event handler that all the header
// elements of our panes will be wired up to
this._headerClickHandler = null;
// The _headerSelectedCssClass is the css class applied to the selected header.
this._headerCssClass = '';
// The _headerSelectedCssClass is the css class applied to the selected header.
this._headerSelectedCssClass = '';
// The _headerSelectedCssClass is the css class applied to the selected header.
this._contentCssClass = '';
// The _resizeHandler is a reference to the global event handler used to patch
// up the accordion when the window is resized
this._resizeHandler = null;
AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior.prototype = {
initialize : function() {
/// The initialize function is responsible for getting the selected index from
/// the ClientState mechanism and walking the children of the behavior's target
/// to find all of the accordion's child panes. It builds up a collection of the
/// panes from the headers and content sections. Then we hide all the content
/// sections that aren't selected and initialize the layout.
AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
// Create the onclick handler used by the accordion's headers
this._headerClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onHeaderClick);
// Get the selected index from ClientState
var state = this.get_ClientState();
if (state !== null && state !== '') {
this._changeSelectedIndex(parseInt(state), false, true);
// Walk the children of the target control to obtain the accordion's child panes.
// We are expecting a hierarchy of divs that looks like:
// ...
// this.element.childNodes[2i]
// ...
// We'll turn this hierarchy of divs into objects filling the _panes collection.
// See the comment above the _panes array for more details on the structure of
// these objects. It's also worth pointing out that we effectively "box" the
// index so it can be passed by reference to the _getNextDiv function
var nodes = this.get_element().childNodes;
var index = { };
for (index.value = 0; index.value < nodes.length; index.value++) {
var header = this._getNextDiv(nodes, index);
if (!header) {
var content = this._getNextDiv(nodes, index);
if (content) {
// Add the pane once we've found both a header and a content section
// (but bump the loop index back so we don't skip an element when the
// loop increments)
this.addPane(header, content);
// Ensure we have an opened pane if we're required to (and use the first
// pane if we don't have a valid selected index)
if (this._requireOpenedPane && !this.get_Pane() && this._panes.length > 0) {
this._changeSelectedIndex(0, false, true);
// Setup the layout for the given AutoSize mode
_getNextDiv : function(nodes, index) {
/// Get the next div in a sequence of child nodes starting at the
/// given index
/// Array of child nodes (i.e. element.childNodes)
/// The index is an object of the form { value } where index.value represents
/// the current index in the collection of nodes. We wrap the index in an object
/// to perform the .NET equivalent of boxing so it can be passed by reference.
/// The next DOM element representing a div tag, starting at the provided index.
var div = null;
while (index.value < nodes.length && (div = nodes[index.value++])) {
if (div.tagName && (div.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div')) {
return div;
addPane : function(header, content) {
/// Create a new Accordion pane given references to its header and content divs
/// and add it to the _panes collection. We also wrap the content div in a new
/// container div, add a click handler to the header div, etc.
/// Header element of the new Accordion pane
/// Content element of the new Accordion pane
/// New pane object added to the end of the Accordion's pane collection. The pane
/// is an object of the form {header, content, animation} corresponding to that
/// pane's header section, content section, and the animation used to open and
/// close its content section. The content element is a new div that has been
/// created to wrap the original div (so we can completely collapse it - even if it
/// has padding, margins, etc.) which is pointed to by a dynamic _original property.
/// The header element has a dynamic _index property indicating its position in the
/// Accordion's pane collection (used primarily by the headers' shared click handler).
/// Furthermore, the animation will either be an instance of LengthAnimation or
/// ParallelAnimation (in the latter case, it will have two children which are a
/// LengthAnimation and a FadeAnimation). There will be two dynamic properties
/// _length and _fade pointing to each of these children (to easily set the length
/// and fadeEffect properties). There is also a dynamic _ended property which is
/// an event handler to be fired when the animation is complete, a dynamic _opening
/// property to indicate whether the animation was opening or closing the pane, and
/// a dynamic _pane property to provide a reference to the pane that was being
/// animated.
// Create the new pane object
var pane = { };
pane.animation = null;
// Initialize the header
pane.header = header;
header._index = this._panes.length;
$addHandler(header, "click", this._headerClickHandler);
// Wrap the content in a new element
var accordion = this.get_element();
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
accordion.insertBefore(wrapper, content);
wrapper._original = content;
pane.content = wrapper;
// Remove any style facets (possibly) automatically applied by
// CSS selectors so they don't interfere with UI/layout
wrapper.style.border = '';
wrapper.style.margin = '';
wrapper.style.padding = '';
// Add the new pane at the bottom of the accordion
Array.add(this._panes, pane);
// Setup the layout attributes for the pane so that it will be in a proper opened or
// closed state (we don't bother setting the opacity of the wrapper with
// $common.setElementOpacity(wrapper, selected ? 1 : 0); because it will
// be taken care of by the animation)
// Since the content section of the accordion panes will be sent down from the server
// with display: none (so the content sections aren't shown before they're wrapped in
// new divs) we'll turn them back on once they've been wrapped in hidden divs
content.style.display = 'block';
return pane;
_getAnimation : function(pane) {
/// Get the animation for the specified accordion section or demand create
/// the animation if it doesn't already exist.
/// The pane is an object of the form {header, content, animation} corresponding to
/// that pane's header section, content section, and the animation used to open and
/// close its content section. The content element is a new div that has been created
/// to wrap the original div (so we can completely collapse it - even if it has
/// padding, margins, etc.) which is pointed to by a dynamic _original property. The
/// header element has a dynamic _index property indicating its position in the
/// Accordion's pane collection (used primarily by the headers' shared click
/// handler). Furthermore, the animation will either be an instance of
/// LengthAnimation or ParallelAnimation (in the latter case, it will have two
/// children which are a LengthAnimation and a FadeAnimation). There will be two
/// dynamic properties _length and _fade pointing to each of these children (to
/// easily set the length and fadeEffect properties). There is also a dynamic _ended
/// property which is an event handler to be fired when the animation is complete,
/// a dynamic _opening property to indicate whether the animation was opening or
/// closing the pane, and a dynamic _pane property to provide a reference to the pane
/// that was being animated.
/// Animation for the desired section
var animation = pane.animation;
if (!animation) {
// Determine whether or not to just use the length animation or build a
// composite effect with fading transitions (note that only the parent
// animation has the duration/fps specfied)
var length = null;
var fade = null;
if (!this._fadeTransitions) {
animation = length = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.LengthAnimation(pane.content, this._duration, this._framesPerSecond, "style", "height", 0, 0, "px");
} else {
length = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.LengthAnimation(null, null, null, "style", "height", 0, 0, "px");
fade = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.FadeAnimation(null, null, null, AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.FadeEffect.FadeOut, 0, 1, false);
animation = new AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.ParallelAnimation(pane.content, this._duration, this._framesPerSecond, [fade, length]);
// Create references to the length and fade animations so we can easily
// set the length and fadeEffect properties when animating without having
// to reach into the composite animation.
pane.animation = animation;
animation._length = length;
animation._fade = fade;
animation._pane = pane;
animation._opening = true;
animation._behavior = this;
animation._ended = Function.createDelegate(pane.animation, this._onAnimationFinished);
return animation;
_onAnimationFinished : function() {
/// _onAnimationFinished is an event handler played after an animation (to open/
/// close an accordion pane) has completed. The delegate for this function should
/// have associated it with an animation (so the this references below are expecting
/// to reach expando fields declared on the animation). It invokes _endPaneChange
/// for the current pane.
this._behavior._endPaneChange(this._pane, this._opening);
_initializeLayout : function() {
/// Setup the layout of the accordion (either when the behavior is created or when the
/// AutoSize mode is changed).
// Stop any animations that are still playing (i.e. that haven't finished opening
// or closing from changing previous panes) in case the user changed the AutoSize
// mode while an animation was playing.
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
var animation = this._panes[i].animation;
if (animation && animation.get_isPlaying()) {
// Cache the initial size of the accordion
var accordion = this.get_element();
this._initialHeight = accordion.offsetHeight;
var style = accordion.style;
// Initialize the accordion itself
if (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.None) {
// Remove the window resizing handler
// IE7 appears to have a rendering quirk where it will hide the
// accordion if we change height or overflow from the empty string
// to auto when it's contained in a fixed size div. We'll just not
// change the value if that's the case.
var isIE7 = (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer && Sys.Browser.version >= 7)
if (!isIE7 || (isIE7 && style.height && style.height.length > 0)) {
style.height = 'auto';
if (!isIE7 || (isIE7 && style.overflow && style.overflow.length > 0)) {
style.overflow = 'auto';
} else {
// Add the window's resizing handler
style.height = accordion.offsetHeight + 'px';
style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Setup the layout attributes for the pane so that it will be in a proper opened
// or closed state
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
// Resize the selected pane so (depending on the AutoSize mode) it will fill the
// available remaining space after the headers have been laid out.
_initializePane : function(index) {
/// Setup the layout attributes for the pane so that it will be in a proper opened or
/// closed. This will be called when adding a new pane for the first time or when
/// changing the AutoSize mode.
/// Index of the pane to initialize
var pane = this.get_Pane(index);
if (!pane) {
var wrapper = pane.content;
var original = wrapper._original;
var opened = (index === this._selectedIndex);
wrapper.style.height = (opened || (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Fill)) ? 'auto' : '0px';
wrapper.style.overflow = opened ? 'auto' : 'hidden';
wrapper.style.display = opened ? 'block' : 'none';
original.style.height = 'auto';
original.style.maxHeight = '';
original.style.overflow = opened ? 'auto' : 'hidden';
var opacity = (opened || !this._fadeTransitions) ? 1 : 0;
if (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Fill) {
if ($common.getElementOpacity(original) != opacity) {
$common.setElementOpacity(original, opacity);
if ($common.getElementOpacity(wrapper) != 1) {
$common.setElementOpacity(wrapper, 1);
} else {
if ($common.getElementOpacity(wrapper) != opacity) {
$common.setElementOpacity(wrapper, opacity);
if ($common.getElementOpacity(original) != 1) {
$common.setElementOpacity(original, 1);
_addResizeHandler : function() {
/// Attach the resize handler
/// This has been pulled out into its own method since we need to selectively wire
/// up the resize handler depending on the AutoSize mode.
if (!this._resizeHandler) {
this._resizeHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._resizeSelectedPane);
$addHandler(window, "resize", this._resizeHandler);
dispose : function() {
/// Dispose of the AccordionBehavior
// Remove the window resizing handler
// Wipe all the animations
// Wipe the _panes collection. We're careful to wipe any expando properties
// which could cause memory leaks in IE6.
for (var i = this._panes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var pane = this._panes[i];
if (pane) {
if (pane.header) {
pane.header._index = null;
$removeHandler(pane.header, "click", this._headerClickHandler);
pane.header = null;
if (pane.content) {
pane.content._original = null;
pane.content = null;
this._panes[i] = null;
delete this._panes[i];
this._panes = null;
this._headerClickHandler = null;
AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
_disposeResizeHandler : function() {
/// Remove the resize handler
/// This has been pulled out into its own method since we need to selectively wire
/// up the resize handler depending on the AutoSize mode.
if (this._resizeHandler) {
$removeHandler(window, "resize", this._resizeHandler);
this._resizeHandler = null;
_disposeAnimations : function() {
/// Dispose all the animations. This method was pulled out of dispose so we could
/// allow the user to change the FadeTransitions property after the behavior was
/// already initialized. We can merge it back into dispose once we support generic
/// animations on the Accordion.
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
var animation = this._panes[i].animation;
if (animation) {
// Stop the animation if it was still playing
if (animation.get_isPlaying()) {
// Remove the event handler that runs after the animation completes
if (animation._ended) {
animation._ended = null;
// Dispose the animation's resources (timer, etc.)
// Wipe expando properties to prevent leaks in IE6
animation._length = null;
animation._fade = null;
animation._pane = null;
animation._opening = null;
animation._behavior = null;
this._panes[i].animation = null;
_resizeSelectedPane : function() {
/// Adjust the size of the currently selected pane (upon initialization,
/// resizing the window, etc.)
var pane = this.get_Pane();
if (!pane) {
// Cache the header size so it only gets looked up when the window resizes
this._headersSize = this._getHeadersSize().height;
var original = pane.content._original;
switch (this._autoSize) {
case AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.None :
original.style.height = 'auto';
original.style.maxHeight = '';
case AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Limit :
var remaining = this._getRemainingHeight(false);
original.style.height = 'auto';
original.style.maxHeight = remaining + 'px';
case AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Fill :
var remaining = this._getRemainingHeight(true);
original.style.height = remaining + 'px';
original.style.maxHeight = '';
_onHeaderClick : function(evt) {
/// OnClick handler to open the desired pane
Event info
// Get the header that raised the event (by walking up the event target's
// control hierarchy until we find an element just below the root of the accordion)
var header = evt.target;
var accordion = this.get_element();
while (header && (header.parentNode !== accordion)) {
header = header.parentNode;
// Stop the event from bubbling out of the header pane and prevent any
// action from happening unless we clicked a control inside the header
if (this._suppressHeaderPostbacks) {
// Select this pane (which saves it to ClientState and initiates an animation
// to show the content pane). If the user clicked the currently open pane and
// we're not required to keep one pane open, then we'll set the selected index
// to -1 which will close it (which means all panes will be collapsed).
var index = header._index;
if ((index === this._selectedIndex) && !this._requireOpenedPane) {
index = -1;
this._changeSelectedIndex(index, true);
_changeSelectedIndex : function(index, animate, force) {
/// Change the accordion's selected pane to a new index (and optionally show the change).
/// Index of the new selected pane
/// Whether or not to show the pane change (this is primarily intended to support
/// restoring _selectedIndex in initialize before any panes have been added)
/// We perform no action (i.e. raising events, animating, etc.) if the two indices represent
/// the same pane (including the case when we have two different "no pane selected values"
/// like -1 and -500). The force flag is used during initialization to skip this check since
/// we aren't able to determine invalid values yet.
// Don't bother doing anything if the index didn't change (we actually check the
// panes so any invalid indices will match because get_Pane() will return null for
// both of them)
var lastIndex = this._selectedIndex;
var currentPane=this.get_Pane(index);
var lastPane=this.get_Pane(lastIndex);
if (!force && (currentPane == lastPane)) {
// Raise the selectedIndexChanging event but don't change the selected index
// if the handler set the cancel property to true
var eventArgs = new AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionSelectedIndexChangeEventArgs(lastIndex, index);
if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) {
//This sets the header CSS class to the non-selected case.
lastPane.header.className = this._headerCssClass;
//This sets the selected header CSS class if available.
currentPane.header.className = (this._headerSelectedCssClass == '') ?
this._headerCssClass : this._headerSelectedCssClass;
this._selectedIndex = index;
// Save the selected pane to preserve on postbacks
// Animate the pane changes if required
if (animate) {
// Raise the selectedIndexChanged event and the propertyChanged event. We include
// both events because many users have expressed that the propertyChanged event is
// not discoverable.
this.raiseSelectedIndexChanged(new AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionSelectedIndexChangeEventArgs(lastIndex, index));
_changePanes : function(lastIndex) {
/// The _changePanes function is used to animate the change between two panes when
/// the selected index changes. We will loop through each pane and get its
/// animation (or demand create it if it doesn't have one yet), stop playing it if
/// it's currently playing, change its parameters to either open or close, and then
/// animate it. Because we have an animation for each pane and we stop them if they
/// were already playing, the Accordion has the ability to nicely change panes
/// again before the animation is finished.
/// Index of the last selected Accordion pane
if (!this.get_isInitialized()) {
var open = null;
var close = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
// Get the animation for each pane (creating it on demand if it doesn't
// already exist)
var pane = this._panes[i];
var animation = this._getAnimation(pane);
// Stop any animations that are still playing (i.e. that haven't finished
// opening or closing from changing previous panes)
if (animation.get_isPlaying()) {
// If we're not opening or closing the current pane, then restart the loop.
// We set the _opening flag so we don't have to keep checking if we're opening
// or closing. If opening, we also set the display style of the pane's content
// so it will be visible for the animation
if (i == this._selectedIndex) {
animation._opening = true;
open = animation;
} else if (i == lastIndex) {
animation._opening = false;
close = animation;
} else {
// Get the pane ready to be animated by setting
this._startPaneChange(pane, animation._opening);
// Setup the fade effect if we are using it
if (this._fadeTransitions) {
animation._fade.set_effect(animation._opening ? AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.FadeEffect.FadeIn : AjaxControlToolkit.Animation.FadeEffect.FadeOut );
// Set the length animation to either open or close depending on whether or
// not this is the selected pane. We also change the target to be the wrapper
// or the original pane depending on whether the AutoSize mode is set to Fill
// (because we need the background color, etc., to grow with the animation
// which means changing the size of the original, not the wrapper, should grow).
// We would prefer to animate the wrapper because it can collapse all the way to
// 0px while the original can only collapse it's content size to 0px (leaving any
// padding, margins, borders, etc.) which is why we need to factor in the size of
// the original div's gutter pixels. Animating the original content will also
// cause the animation to jump slightly at the end when it collapses smoothly down
// to the gutter pixels but then sets display: none and disappears.
if (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Fill) {
animation._length.set_endValue(animation._opening ? this._getRemainingHeight(true) : 0);
} else {
animation._length.set_endValue(animation._opening ? this._getRemainingHeight(false) : 0);
// Play the animations to open the selected pane/close any other panes. Note that we
// pulled playing the animations out of the loop so that we could always play the
// closing animation first. If you play the opening animation first, in some cases the
// accordion will always grow slightly larger (shifting the rest of the page down) and
// then shrink again because the animations are running on different timers (and
// unifying them into a single animation would be a lot messier than the current
// implementation since they won't both play when we're closing the currently open pane).
if (close) {
if (open) {
// TODO: Someday get both animations to run on the same timer because it makes an obvious
// difference in IE6 and Safari
_startPaneChange : function(pane, opening) {
/// Setup the pane before it is animated.
/// Pane that is being animated
/// Whether or not the pane is being opened or closed
var wrapper = pane.content;
var original = wrapper._original;
if (opening) {
// Make the hidden panes visible so we can see them animate
wrapper.style.display = 'block';
} else {
// Hide any overflow because we'll be shrinking the wrapper div down to 0px and
// we don't want content leaking out the bottom
wrapper.style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Turn off overflow on the original div because it's content doesn't grow during
// the animation and leaving it on slows the animation down
original.style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Remove any explicit height off the original content section but manually set
// the wrapper to the initial height (since it will be shrunk from this height
// to zero)
if (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Limit) {
wrapper.style.height = this._getTotalSize(original).height + 'px';
original.style.maxHeight = '';
_endPaneChange : function(pane, opening) {
/// Clean the pane up after it's been animated.
/// Pane that is being animated
/// Whether or not the pane is being opened or closed
var wrapper = pane.content;
var original = wrapper._original;
if (opening) {
// Depending on the mode, move the explicit height value from the original
// content div to the wrapper div. This is necessary because we moved the
// explicit height value to the wrapper before the animation started since
// it was the target.
if (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Limit) {
var remaining = this._getRemainingHeight(true);
original.style.maxHeight = remaining + 'px';
// Turn overflow back on so the original div's content can grow accordingly
original.style.overflow = 'auto';
// Remove an explicit height from the wrapper div so that it will
// automatically grow and shrink with the original content div
wrapper.style.height = 'auto';
wrapper.style.overflow = 'auto';
} else {
// If we finished a close animation, completely hide the pane so that
// it's content cannot be tabbed into
wrapper.style.display = 'none';
_getHeadersSize : function() {
/// Compute the size of all the header sections
/// Size of all header sections (of the form {width, height}).
// Compute the amount of space used by all the headers
var total = { width: 0, height: 0 };
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
var size = this._getTotalSize(this._panes[i].header);
total.width = Math.max(total.width, size.width);
total.height += size.height;
return total;
_getRemainingHeight : function(includeGutter) {
/// Determine how much remaining height we have to fill with the currently selected
/// pane's content section after taking into account all the headers. This is primarily
/// used for the Limit and Fill AutoSize modes.
/// Whether or not we should include the gutter (padding, borders, margins) of the
/// selected pane's original content section. This should be true whenever we're
/// getting the remaining height for the original content section and false whenever
/// we're getting the remaining height for its wrapper.
/// Remaining height after all the headers have been accounted for
var height = 0;
var pane = this.get_Pane();
if (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.None) {
// If the AutoSize mode is "None", then we use the size of the pane
if (pane) {
height = this._getTotalSize(pane.content._original).height;
} else {
// Compute the amount of space used
height = this._headersSize;
if (includeGutter && pane) {
height += this._getGutterSize(pane.content._original).height;
// Determine how much of the remaining space to use
// (if AutoSize is "Fill", use the rest of the available space)
var accordion = this.get_element();
height = Math.max(accordion.offsetHeight - height, 0);
// If AutoSize is "Limit", then the size of the pane should be either its
// actual size, or the rest of the available space.
if (pane && (this._autoSize === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Limit)) {
var required = this._getTotalSize(pane.content._original).height;
// Ensure we return a number greater than or equal to zero
if (required > 0) {
height = Math.min(height, required);
return height;
_getTotalSize : function(element) {
/// Get the total size of an element, including its margins
/// Element
/// Total size of the element (in the form {width, height})
var size = $common.getSize(element);
var box = $common.getMarginBox(element);
size.width += box.horizontal;
size.height += box.vertical;
return size;
_getGutterSize : function(element) {
/// Get the extra "gutter" size around an element made up of its padding,
/// borders, and margins.
/// Element
/// Size of the extra space (in the form of {height, width})
var gutter = { width: 0, height: 0 };
try {
var box = $common.getPaddingBox(element);
gutter.width += box.horizontal;
gutter.height += box.vertical;
} catch(ex) { }
try {
var box = $common.getBorderBox(element);
gutter.width += box.horizontal;
gutter.height += box.vertical;
} catch(ex) { }
var box = $common.getMarginBox(element);
gutter.width += box.horizontal;
gutter.height += box.vertical;
return gutter;
add_selectedIndexChanging : function(handler) {
/// Add an event handler for the selectedIndexChanging event
/// Event handler
this.get_events().addHandler('selectedIndexChanging', handler);
remove_selectedIndexChanging : function(handler) {
/// Add an event handler for the selectedIndexChanging event
/// Event handler
this.get_events().removeHandler('selectedIndexChanging', handler);
raiseSelectedIndexChanging : function(eventArgs) {
/// Raise the selectedIndexChanging event
/// Event arguments for the selectedIndexChanging event
var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('selectedIndexChanging');
if (handler) {
handler(this, eventArgs);
add_selectedIndexChanged : function(handler) {
/// Add an event handler for the selectedIndexChanged event
/// Event handler
this.get_events().addHandler('selectedIndexChanged', handler);
remove_selectedIndexChanged : function(handler) {
/// Add an event handler for the selectedIndexChanged event
/// Event handler
this.get_events().removeHandler('selectedIndexChanged', handler);
raiseSelectedIndexChanged : function(eventArgs) {
/// Raise the selectedIndexChanged event
/// Event arguments for the selectedIndexChanged event
var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('selectedIndexChanged');
if (handler) {
handler(this, eventArgs);
get_Pane : function(index) {
/// Get a specific Accordion pane given its index. If no index is provided, get
/// the currently selected pane.
/// Index of the desired Accordion pane. If the index is not provided, we use
/// the currently selected index. In the event the provided index (or the currently
/// selected index) is outside the bounds of the panes collection, we return null.
/// The desired pane object, or null if outside the the bounds of the _panes array.
/// The pane is an object of the form {header, content, animation} corresponding to
/// that pane's header section, content section, and the animation used to open and
/// close its content section. The content element is a new div that has been
/// created to wrap the original div (so we can completely collapse it - even if it
/// has padding, margins, etc.) which is pointed to by a dynamic _original property.
/// The header element has a dynamic _index property indicating its position in the
/// Accordion's pane collection (used primarily by the headers' shared click handler).
/// Furthermore, the animation will either be an instance of LengthAnimation or
/// ParallelAnimation (in the latter case, it will have two children which are a
/// LengthAnimation and a FadeAnimation). There will be two dynamic properties
/// _length and _fade pointing to each of these children (to easily set the length
/// and fadeEffect properties). There is also a dynamic _ended property which is an
/// event handler to be fired when the animation is complete, a dynamic _opening
/// property to indicate whether the animation was opening or closing the pane, and
/// a dynamic _pane property to provide a reference to the pane that was being
/// animated.
if (index === undefined || index === null) {
index = this._selectedIndex;
return (this._panes && index >= 0 && index < this._panes.length) ? this._panes[index] : null;
get_Count : function() {
/// Number of Accordion panes
return this._panes ? this._panes.length : 0;
get_TransitionDuration : function() {
/// Length of time to transition between Accordion sections in
/// milleseconds. The default value is 250ms.
return this._duration * 1000;
set_TransitionDuration : function(value) {
if (this._duration != (value / 1000)) {
this._duration = value / 1000;
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
var animation = this._panes[i].animation;
if (animation) {
get_FramesPerSecond : function() {
/// Number of steps per second in the transition animations.
/// The default value is 30 frames per second.
return this._framesPerSecond;
set_FramesPerSecond : function(value) {
if (this._framesPerSecond != value) {
this._framesPerSecond = value;
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
var animation = this._panes[i].animation;
if (animation) {
get_FadeTransitions : function() {
/// Whether or not to fade the accordion panes when transitioning
return this._fadeTransitions;
set_FadeTransitions : function(value) {
if (this._fadeTransitions != value) {
this._fadeTransitions = value;
// Whenever we toggle FadeTransitions we dispose the entire list of
// animations because it's not easy to selectively play just one of a
// ParallelAnimation's children... This is of course just a temporary
// workaround until we enable generic animations and remove the
// FadeTransitions property.
// Set all the content sections to 100% opacity in case they had been
// faded out when a pane was changed but not faded back in yet
if (!this._fadeTransitions) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._panes.length; i++) {
if ($common.getElementOpacity(this._panes[i].content) != 1) {
$common.setElementOpacity(this._panes[i].content, 1);
if ($common.getElementOpacity(this._panes[i].content._original) != 1) {
$common.setElementOpacity(this._panes[i].content._original, 1);
get_HeaderCssClass: function() {
/// This is the CSS class applied to each header.
return this._headerCssClass;
set_HeaderCssClass: function(value) {
this._headerCssClass = value;
get_HeaderSelectedCssClass: function() {
/// This is the CSS class applied to the selected header.
return this._headerSelectedCssClass;
set_HeaderSelectedCssClass: function(value) {
this._headerSelectedCssClass = value;
get_ContentCssClass: function() {
/// This is the CSS class applied to each content section.
return this._contentCssClass;
set_ContentCssClass: function(value) {
this._contentCssClass = value;
get_AutoSize : function() {
/// AutoSize mode
return this._autoSize;
set_AutoSize : function(value) {
// In IE, treat AutoSize.Limit exactly the same as AutoSize.Fill. Since IE does not
// support the max-height CSS property, we can't achieve the Limit auto-size behavior
// without fixing the exact size of the pane (which means it can't grow/shrink in response
// to dynamic content changes). Since Fill has most of the same UI characteristics, it's
// a safer and cleaner workaround for this one browser.
if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer && value === AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Limit) {
value = AjaxControlToolkit.AutoSize.Fill;
if (this._autoSize != value) {
this._autoSize = value;
get_SelectedIndex : function() {
/// Index of the currently selected Accordion section
return this._selectedIndex;
set_SelectedIndex : function(value) {
this._changeSelectedIndex(value, true);
get_requireOpenedPane : function() {
/// Whether or not clicking the header will close the currently opened pane
/// (which leaves all the Accordion's panes closed)
return this._requireOpenedPane;
set_requireOpenedPane : function(value) {
if (this._requireOpenedPane != value) {
this._requireOpenedPane = value;
get_suppressHeaderPostbacks : function() {
/// Whether or not we suppress the client-side click handlers of any elements
/// (including server controls like Button or HTML elements like anchor) in the
/// header sections of the Accordion.
return this._suppressHeaderPostbacks;
set_suppressHeaderPostbacks : function(value) {
if (this._suppressHeaderPostbacks != value) {
this._suppressHeaderPostbacks = value;
AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior.registerClass('AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionBehavior', AjaxControlToolkit.BehaviorBase);